About This Site: The Evolution of an Idea
An undying passion for the written word has been a constant in my life, since I was about 10 years old. Then, in 1999, God told me what He was calling me to do with my life: “Your are a writer. Write!” I cannot possibly begin to express how excited I am that God has found a way to use my passion for writing to fulfill His purpose! Through the written word, I share everything God has ever taught me. In turn, He finds ways to use those writings to minister to other people.
In early 2017, a new idea began to form in my mind . . . to write a blog. Since I had never even READ a blog, I was absolutely certain that this idea had been planted by God. However, I knew nothing about blogs. So, I sought guidance and insight from a friend who has one. With Roseanne's help, the idea began to take shape: what it would be about; what to call it; and how to gather the information for it. Once we'd settled on a name, I was able to design the banner-head for the blog. Each new step brought a new level of excitement with it.
During the course of the ensuing year, the idea kept evolving. Maybe it wouldn't be just a blog; maybe a blog as a part of a web site. But, then, what to use as the Home Page? What would the overall theme be? How would I tie it all together? Each new thought brought more questions than answers. Sometimes, I felt further away from development than ever.
Then, in November, 2017, a family crisis kept my mind completely pre-occupied for the next three months. I was unable to concentrate on much of anything from one day to the next. When the crisis finally passed, I was dumbstruck by what I found. A message, repeating itself in my mind - often: "It's time."
This wonderful new idea that had been forming and evolving - the one I hadn't spent ANY time or energy on in months - was rising to the surface again. And, this time, the Lord was telling me to move ahead. It was time to start designing and developing the pages of the new web site. Terrified, but more excited than I can ever remember being, I tentatively began to work.
Disoriented by creating things on a computer screen, I devised a sort of middle step. I drew out a rough sketch for each page I wanted to add to the new web site. This gave me a visual idea of what they needed to look like. In turn, that made it easier for me to transfer those ideas to the computer.
Finally, in April of 2018, I launched the first pages, and have been adding to the site ever since. Today, the site contains all the pages I wanted to put on it, plus some which were added later. It is no longer conceived as a blog --- not in the usual sense, anyway. Instead, it is a collection of articles and stories. I try my best to post new ones every month. Now and then, I share a thought or two - in the form of a message at the top of one of the pages.
The Lord has spent many years preparing me to take this step, and I am thrilled beyond measure that He has invited me to join Him on this journey. I am SO glad that He is a part of my life! It is with abundant thanks to Him - and with great joy - that I bring you All That I Am Today. In the pages of this web site, you will discover virtually everything I do as a writer.
Where Did the Name Come From?
Over the course of many years, each of us at All That I Am Today came to understand that we had to offer up EVERYTHING in our lives to God – to be used for His purpose. In my personal effort to willingly do that, I developed this simple prayer of surrender, back in 1990:
All that I am,
All that I have,
All that I know,
All that I love,
All that I do, and
All that I feel
Are Yours, Father, to use as You see fit.
When God began to form this ministry, the meaning behind that prayer changed immensely. No longer is it a personal, individual prayer of surrender . . . it has also become our prayer for this ministry. None of the work we do can be accomplished without first surrendering everything to God. It is in keeping with that prayer – and the desire it expresses – that this web site has been named. Jan, Kelly, and I now realize . . . God named this web site knowing that it would, one day, be the home base for this ministry. It was all part of His perfect plan, all along!
Everything that's been done on this web site has been for God . . . because it means nothing without Him. As my faith has grown stronger, my desire to serve Him has also gotten stronger. This web site is the result of that desire. Now, Jan and Kelly have joined me on this journey, and have become treasured partners and friends. They, also, are adamantly committed to serving God. Our joint commitment helps us all stay focused on Him in all things. In addition to these amazing women, God has provided us with a diverse team of supporters who lift up our work to God in their prayers. We thank Him for them, from the very bottom of our hearts.
Thank you for stopping by, and I hope you will come back again.
To His Glory . . . BJ