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To His Glory . . . BJ
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Read All Our Precious Legacy Articles:
October 13, 2023
Isaiah 43:25 (NIV)
“I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions,
for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more.”
As humans, forgetting things terrifies us. In this passage, however, we see forgetting
as the most amazing gift ever given. Once we have accepted Jesus as our ONLY
savior and redeemer, a phenomenal change takes place. He immediately forgets all
the wrong things we have ever done before that moment . . . never once holding them against us.
Wouldn’t it be great if we could do that?
To His Glory . . . BJ
See you next time . . .
August 19, 2023
Whenever someone we know dies, we are instantly aware of our sadness at their passing. As time goes on, our human reaction is to ONLY remember the sadness and loss. If we aren’t careful, it can become all we have left of that person.
Fortunately, there is another way to respond to their passing from this world. Every time a member of our church family makes the journey Home to the LORD, I am reminded of that other way of thinking. Each of these amazing souls has left behind a unique and priceless legacy . . . different in each case, but a valuable piece of a beautiful, breathtaking tapestry of life. Such was the case recently, when one of our brothers in Christ made his journey Home.
Bob was 95 when the LORD called him Home. He had buried two wives, and still wore a smile everywhere he went. In fact, it was more of an impish grin – a vivid reflection of his playful sense of humor. Bob loved a good, clean joke and couldn’t wait to share with you the latest one he’d heard.
But that playful humor was, in fact, a product of something much deeper. Something that formed the very core of Bob’s character and personality . . . gratitude. In the center of Bob’s being beat a VERY grateful heart.
That heart shone brightly into every conversation Bob had with people. He wasn’t the least bit shy about expressing it. When someone complained about some aspect of life in the Assisted Living facility where he lived, Bob always countered with the truth he saw.
“We have a place to live; they provide our meals; they’re here to help if we need it. What is there to complain about? We are truly blessed!”
Bob strove to make the best of the moment he was in. He looked for the gift or blessing in every moment or situation. He cheerfully reminded everyone of the importance of living as you thought Jesus wanted you to live. Of doing the right thing.
Because he felt so blessed, he hoped he could somehow be a blessing to someone else. And he often succeeded in that goal --- using his experiences to help someone else find their way through a difficult situation. Bob never failed to express his appreciation for any kindness someone showed him. He adored and appreciated his church family immensely. And that wonderful sense of humor followed him everywhere he went.
At his Celebration of Life service, our pastor reminded us of that. “If we didn’t have a little bit of humor today, Bob would be grossly disappointed!”
Later, as friends and loved ones shared memories of Bob, one of them shared a playful, light-hearted thought. “Can you imagine how thrilled Bob must have been when he learned he was going Home? He would have smiled and said, ‘Hey! They haven’t heard ANY of my jokes!’”
Which, for Bob, would have led right back to the core of who he was. It would have made him profoundly grateful, and happy to be there.
In the years I have left on this Earth, I pray I can take a page from Bob’s book of life. May I live, each day, with a smile on my lips and a deliberately grateful heart.
Thanks for the lesson, Bob . . . and for the laughs . . .
To His Glory . . . BJ
See you next time . . .
July 14, 2023
Use Your Freedom Wisely
~ 1 Peter 2:16 (NIV) ~
“Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as
a coverup for evil; live as servants of God.”​
When Christ died for our sins, he released us – forever – from the bondage of those sins, so long as we choose a life of following Him. Some people think that – since salvation is something God won’t take away from us, that they can continue in their sin – over and over again - and God will be okay with that.
That isn’t exactly what we’re supposed to do with our new freedom. He may, indeed, continue to forgive us, but we will have broken His heart with our careless use of this incredible gift. In the joyous, light-hearted way it makes us feel, we are asked to LIVE that freedom, every day of our lives. Freedom from fear, hate, bitterness . . . To share the Good News with others, and to let them SEE the freedom God offers, through the way we live our lives.
To His Glory . . . BJ
See you next time . . .
June 1, 2023
This month, I share a story I heard at our granddaughter’s college graduation party . . . with my profound thanks to Maschelle, for sharing it with me.
May 20, 2023, was an especially poignant day for Maschelle. One year earlier, her best friend had been murdered. As the first anniversary of that tragic loss dawned, Maschelle was missing Jessica intensely.
“I wish you’d show me a sign, Jessica. I miss you SO much,” she cried. Seated in the yard, enjoying the morning air, her heart and mind were filled with thoughts of her dear friend. Then, just as the words of Maschelle’s plea wafted on the morning air, she saw it.
Fluttering softly, a beautiful, black and yellow butterfly landed nearby. As it hesitated there for a moment, Maschelle felt a wave of peace wash over her being . . . as though this delicate creature was reassuring her that Jessica was fine. That she was wrapped safely in the arms of the Father.
Feeling encouraged, Maschelle suddenly remembered another important event happening that day. A party, to celebrate the college graduation of her dear friend and co-worker. “Jessica would not want me to sit here and feel sad all day,” she reminded herself. “She would be at that party!” With that, she donned her slippers (broken foot and all!), grabbed her purse, and headed out the door.
It was at that party where I met Maschelle . . . and where she generously shared this story with me. She invited me to write about it. Maschelle, thank you for sharing your heart with me.
My friends, Maschelle’s story offers a challenge for each and every one of us. Cherish the people in your life. Enjoy and nurture those relationships while you can. Mend damaged relationships whenever possible.
And, when that person is no longer in this world, remember what it was that made them special to you. Honor their memory by doing your best to adapt a version of that characteristic as a part of who you are. After all, friendship is one of the greatest gifts God gave us . . .
NOTE: We did a little research for information about the supposed meaning attached to seeing one of these winged beauties. It is believed, by some: “They symbolize new beginnings, optimism, joy, and a reminder of the beauty that nature has to offer. Black and yellow butterflies are often seen as a sign of transformation; many cultures believe these magnificent creatures signify renewal, enlightenment, and a change for the better.” We also found a spiritual meaning attached to them: “transformation and positive change”.
To His Glory . . . BJ
See you next time . . .
May 13, 2023
Gathering His Lost Sheep
~ 3 John 1:4 ~
“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.”​
As a mother, I can definitely relate to this passage. I remember a time when neither I, nor my sons, walked in truth. After my own baptism, in 2007, I kept praying for their salvation. Watching God go after each of them and rescue him was, in itself, a wondrous feeling. But then, watching all three of them be baptized 10 years later brought a joy that is beyond my ability to describe.
To His Glory . . . BJ
See you next time . . .
April 12, 2023 (Celebrating 5 years)
Welcome to Precious Legacy! (4-12-2018)
For many years, I’ve been fascinated by the knowledge, stories, and experiences of the eldest members of our society. It seems to me that they’ve seen things I will never encounter. They possess a wisdom that can only come from living a long life.
Proverbs 3:13-18 discusses wisdom in an intriguing way. Describing it using female pronouns, this passage makes one thing vividly clear. Wisdom is far more valuable than anything in the world. I’ve never heard a valid argument against that notion.
The idea for this blog was inspired through my observations of a woman at our church. You’ll hear more about her in some of my future blog entries. During my planning and preparation for this project, I approached our church youth group. I wanted them to help develop questions that might open up conversations with the folks with whom I’d be talking.
I spoke to Neal, a young man who’d been involved with the youth group since his own adolescence began. I figured he would be a great person to connect me with the young people who would be willing to help. Intrigued by my idea, Neal readily agreed to help me. He also offered an insight I’d never heard – and will never forget:
"I read once,” he said thoughtfully, “that when an old person dies, it’s like losing a library.”
Wow! I still have to catch my breath every time I repeat his words. It is in honor of that concept –-- and the teachings of Proverbs 3 –-- that I write this page. Here, I will share tidbits of wisdom gleaned from countless interactions with some of the most amazing people on Earth. May these nuggets guide and enrich your lives, as they have mine.
Please, come back and visit often, and share this journey with me. God has blessed these people with immeasurable wisdom. He has asked me to share that wisdom with you. I cannot begin to express how it feels to answer His call. Join me as, word by word, line by line, we preserve this precious legacy.
To His Glory . . . BJ
The Gift of Time (Wasted)
March 13, 2023
"Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in
humility count others more significant than yourselves."
~ Philippians 2:3
Sometimes, during the course of my life, I've seen pride take a very unexpected turn. In fact, it can be almost totally disguised . . . as the fear of looking weak, stupid, or foolish. On a recent morning, I was remembering a time when that cleverly disguised fear caused one of the few unresolved regrets in my life . . .
My older brother had moved here from Seattle, and was living with Rich and me. After decades of rarely seeing one another, it was wonderful to have James nearby. We mended lots of fences and enjoyed a close and loving relationship. As a bonus, he and Rich became good friends.
Early in his third year here, James' health started to decline. Liver failure was taking a heavy toll on his body. Finally, he had to give up his truck driving job and come home. He and I had lots of time together, and did our best to make the most of it.
As he got weaker, however, it got harder for me to be with him. He spent increasingly more time in his room. He grew tired more and more easily. It was becoming harder and harder for him to navigate the stairs from his basement bedroom suite. It became almost unbearably painful for me to witness the steady decline of this bubbly, vibrant man I had known for over half a century . . . that's where my regret enters the picture.
As James kept to himself more and more, I let him. I stayed upstairs and puttered with my daily duties. I avoided - or ignored - most opportunities to sit with him in his rapidly-shrinking world. I wasted countless chances to visit with him . . . to talk, to ask questions, to learn from him.
The pain I felt, as I watched my brother's health grow increasingly worse, kept me away. It caused me to fail at obeying the instruction in the Scripture passage above. In my concern for my own feelings, I couldn't stand to watch --- to see him fading away into his illness. In my selfish, prideful desire not to feel the sadness of seeing my brother's growing weakness, I neglected him.
I avoided spending long blocks of time with him. I ignored his subtle requests that I keep him company or sit with him for a while. I missed an important clue, the day he thanked me profusely for sitting and watching a movie with him. In my pride-filled efforts to protect myself from feeling the pain of watching my brother's life slip away, I robbed myself of priceless time with him.
I had him all to myself for nearly 11 months, and I feel like I wasted that opportunity. I still struggle to accept God's forgiveness for my selfishness. I share this story with you today as a way to encourage you. If someone you love is closing in on "that last mile we all must walk alone", STUFF YOUR PRIDE!!!
Let it hurt, but BE with them every chance you get. Ask questions. Pick their brains. Learn what makes them tick. Find out what they want people to remember about them. And what they want people to know --- what they believe to be life's most important lessons.
I promise you this: you won't be sorry that you did. How can I be so sure? Because today --- 12 years later --- I'm still sorry that I didn't . . .
To His Glory . . . BJ
See you next time . . .
February 13, 2023
God's Legacy of Love
~ Micah 6:8 ~
“He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth
the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy,
and to walk humbly with thy God?”
This verse speaks volumes --- in a few words --- to the legacy of love
God has left for us to treasure . . . and that we are to pass along to others . . .
To His Glory . . . BJ
See you next time . . .
DID I Make a Difference?
January 16, 2023
One of my favorite lines from the movie, “It’s A Wonderful Life” is when Clarence is trying to tell George how much difference he made during his lifetime. George isn’t grasping the truth of this altered reality, though, and Clarence is getting frustrated.
George stumbles onto his brother Harry’s gravestone. He hollers at Clarence, “Harry didn’t die! He saved the lives of every man on that transport!”
Clarence screams back, “Every man on that transport died! Harry wasn’t there to save them . . . because you weren’t there to save Harry!”
Clarence’s point is simple. Basic. Almost too simple for us to fully grasp. “Each life touches so many others,” he says. Every day we live, we touch other people’s lives in ways we don’t even realize. There’s no way to know for sure which contacts will have an impact that reaches across decades, impacting other lives along the way.
In George’s case, it boiled down to one simple, instinctive, act when George was about 12 years old. Jump into an icy pond and help his kid brother climb out after he’d fallen through the ice. Any one of us might have done the same thing in the same situation. Afterward, we may never even think of it again. Just a childhood memory . . . no conscious connection to Harry’s heroic act years later.
Ever since watching this iconic movie this year, I’ve been reflecting on Clarence’s words to George. Pondering . . . what might be different in MY world, if I had never been born? I find it impossible to even begin to imagine the answer.
There is, of course, the fact that my sons would not exist as the men I know them to be. Beyond that, I cannot begin to guess what might be different. I do know I could not possibly recall every single person I’ve ever known, met, or encountered. If I could, I’m sure the numbers would be staggering.
Surely, I made some sort of an impact in some of those lives. I would probably be surprised at which ones, or how big that difference seemed to them. When beloved hubby and I discussed this, my mind jumped immediately to people I know personally. His mind went to, “someone we smiled at” or “something nice we said to someone.” His first thought was of those tiny, brief, once-in-a-lifetime encounters.
How many of those have I had in my years on this Earth? How many have you had? Can you remember one that you know for sure made all the difference to that stranger? No? Don’t worry; I can’t either.
Even if we DO have a life-altering event in our past, we may never be able to see the difference our presence made in that situation. Or the difference that our absence would have made if we hadn’t been there. That’s okay. The point is: life matters. EVERY life.
We don’t have to know HOW or WHY. God knows. He knows how all of these intricate little puzzle pieces of life fit together. Whether or not He ever reveals any of it to us also doesn’t matter. What matters is that we live our lives --- each and every day of them --- as though we KNOW life matters.
Each of us was created ON purpose FOR a purpose. Live according to that Truth. Someone is watching . . . and they just might be forever changed by something they see in you. Who knows? It might even lead them to a deeper relationship with God.
Wouldn’t THAT be a wonderful difference to make?
To His Glory . . . BJ
See you next time . . .